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We approach sustainability open and honestly. By sharing our understanding of how we achieve carbon neutrality of BioCarbon materials cradle-to-gate we aim to encourage and support you on your journey in order to continue carbon neutrality of the material Gate-to-Grave.

By calculating the carbon emissions of BioCarbon materials whilst in our care we are able to take the responsibility of handling the carbon through our carbon management programme. As part of our programme, we have invested in Gold Standard carbon credits that are used to support projects across the world.


From Wind Farms in India to the Kumasi Stoves off setting project in Ghana, where added benefits include employment and wealth management for developing countries.

By offsetting our emissions whilst the material is in our care, we can ensure that carbon neutrality of the material is achieved Cradle-to-Gate.

Did you know that you can continue carbon neutrality on receipt of your BioCarbon materials order?

Continuing The
Carbon Neutral Journey

Breathing Sustainability 

As a product offering of See Limited, sustainability is an important part of BioCarbon ethos.

We are passionate about taking positive steps to become Net Zero by 2030 as a Group of companies and are playing our part to address the climate crisis.

By working with recognised experts in the subject of sustainability, including our environmental consultants EcoAct, we have confidence and validation in the steps that we are taking as part of See Limited to reduce our carbon footprint.

Partnering with Lamitech, our BioCarbon materials are manufactured at a modern facility located in South America. BioCarbon materials are the first carbon-driven materials to be supplied within the UK and have achieved a carbon-neutral footprint by controlling, monitoring and balancing the carbon emitted by reviewing all product development practices.


By doing so, changes were made in the choice of raw materials, manufacturing processes, energy sources and consumption levels – to even freight and distribution to the customer – in order to confidently provide a net zero decorative laminate available in both HPL and SGL.


Breathing Sustainability

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